6 more terrain mats have been purchased by the club. Thanks to the discount from 4th Planet Games, Wrexham.
4x4 frozen ground - suitable for Frostgrave
4x4 cobbled ground - suitable for any fantasy/historical urban game
6x4 beach - suitable for Normandy invasions etc
6x4 snowy highlands - suitable for any cold setting
4x4 desert/dirt track - suitable for gaslands
3x3 swampland - suitable for midges and life threatening infections
Mats are available for general use from this evening.
This is a significant investment by the club. Club.
We have a number of other neoprene mats, both club property and member property loaned to the club. In recent weeks the care taken with these mats has deteriorated significantly. All neoprene mats should be rolled and returned to the protective cover provided (if there is one).
We shall be reorganising storage to put club mats under lock and key, and provide hard protective covers in the coming weeks.
Also if you ordered a gaslands track mat, I have it tonight.