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What? So soon?

Time marches inevitably on towards the ultimate heat-death of the universe and all we can hope to do along the way is ease the suffering of our imminent demise by rolling 6's and holding meetings! Yes, I know, there has been a lot of officialdom lately, but our Annual General meeting is on Thursday 4th April 2024. We shall give you an update on the club, and there is a committee role to be elected.

With the changes at the start of the year, only the post of Treasurer is up for re-election. Anyone wishing to stand for the post should contact Josh or me by Wednesday 20th March. You will find a description of the committee roles on the website here. Any club member is eligible to stand, though for this role you are definitely going to need to know your way around a spreadsheet!

On Thursday 21st March, a callling notice for the AGM will go out, with the names of any candidate(s) for the role. This will allow candidates to prepare and members to consider their vote. I now return you to your daily drudgery of earning a living to allow you to buy more club dice.


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